
The scientific poster session is an integral part of our Individualizing Medicine Conference. The review committee is looking for the best and brightest research and innovation in individualized medicine. 

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning 
  • Bioinformatics 
  • Biomarker Discovery 
  • Digital Omics 
  • Epigenomics 
  • Exposomics/Metabolomics 
  • Functional Omics 
  • Genetics/Genomics 
  • Metagenomics
  • Microbiome 
  • Other Multi-omics 
  • Pharmacogenomics 
  • Population Omics 
  • Precision Therapeutics 
  • Proteomics 
  • Rare and Undiagnosed Disease

Abstract Requirements  

  • Author(s) 
    • First and last name(s) 
    • Credential(s) / academic degree(s) 
    • Affiliation(s) 
    • Email(s)
  • Abstract Title (limit 100 characters) 
  • What the audience will learn from the poster? (limit 525 characters) 
  • Abstract topic / category (see above) 
  • Abstract text (limit 1750 characters) 
  • PDF/Word document 

We are no longer accepting abstracts for this conference. Thank you for your interest!

Please email if you have questions or need more information about posters for the conference.