General Information
In an era where healthcare is rapidly transforming, the Mayo Clinic Individualizing Medicine Conference stands at the forefront, championing increased accessibility, convenience, and precision in patient diagnostics.
This conference is dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of population omics, digital omics, functional omics, and rare disease omics, and their vital role in patient care.
From the stage, experts share their commitment and effort to deliver the highest standard of personalized care and research.
Individualized medicine leaders have discussed emerging topics such as:
- Harnessing the power of omics data and artificial intelligence
- Advances in rare disease
- Health disparities
- Multi-omics approach to patient care
- Precision cancer care
- Sex and gender differences and biases
- Individual impact of the exposome
- Scalable genomics
- Infections disease and advances through the microbiome
Keynote speakers, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and interactive sessions will help you gain the knowledge to lead change in precision medicine in your own team and organization.

- Uncover how MULTI-OMICS is transforming our understanding of health and disease, offering groundbreaking approaches in diagnosing and treating a range of conditions.
- Witness the integration of GENOMICS, BIOINFORMATICS, and more for a comprehensive view of health and disease, and explore the frontiers of FUNCTIONAL OMICS.
- Learn about the latest INNOVATION in POPULATION OMICS and RARE DISEASES research, and how these advancements are shaping future healthcare.
- Gain valuable insights from world-renowned experts, including those from Mayo Clinic, and be inspired to TRANSFORM future healthcare practices.
- Delve into the evolution of DIGITAL OMICS and stay updated on the latest in PRECISION MEDICINE, exploring individualized care approaches.
- Seize the chance to CONNECT with peers and leaders in the field, fostering opportunities for COLLABORATION and future research.
- Clinician-researchers* and scientists
- Physicians*
- Nurse practitioners and physician assistants*
- Healthcare executives*
- Lab professionals
- Bioinformaticians
- Genetic counselors*
- Nurses*
- Pharmacists
- Students
- Any other interested members of the healthcare team